A Week Of Advanced Yoga Teacher Training
"Sister to sister. Hand to hand. Four goddesses, together we stand."
Tessa Buon Viso
And so I returned to the place where it all began 5 long years ago. When I first walked back into Suryalila it was quite amazing how comfortable and energised I immediately felt. Then seeing all the progress and development that had been happening over the last few years I felt so inspired and excited to learn, grow and deepen my knowledge and practice.
Having the opportunity to just go away and learn, knowing the the monkeys (aka my children) are in good hands is such a luxury and I am so grateful. I have really recharged my batteries and absorbed so much from our amazing teachers, Vidya Heissel and Jennifer Yarro. What has been so different about this course is that there have been no lows, lots of highs, yoga, studying and late night laughter with my dormies (who are just awesome)! Oh and how could I forget the food! Meal after meal of healthy, wholesome vegetarian goodness and no washing up or loading the dishwasher.
I even managed to get a crash course with the legendary Matt Giordano who gave me some amazing handstand tips! I am now actually holding handstand for a good 10 seconds or so which is absolutely mind blowing to me! He simply said "HASTA BANDHA" and pressed against the tips of my fingers, press into the floor just like that he said. And voila, my handstand practice came into its own. I am so grateful. I always used to blame the babies and the core but I actually have no excuse now haha!
handstands - thanks to Matt Giordano @theyogimatt
So in this little slice of heaven has been perfect but I can't wait to go home to see Andrew and the monkeys. The real yoga begins there. I can actually start to put into practice the lessons I am learning and also in class I can share all the knowledge I have absorbed being here with my students. Luckily, I already had a pretty good understanding of the anatomy thanks to my fringe partner Jodie whom I ran the fringe 200 TT with and she shared so much of her anatomical wisdom with us!
The next module is in November and I truly cannot wait. I am hungry to learn more and practice with all these beautiful souls again. It's crazy how one week can form such a special bond between us all. I will be returning to Suryalila for the FLY festival on the 28th May and might even be knocking out some cheeky tunes with the Kirtan FLY Yogis as well!
Also watch this space because my yoga music and mantras will be coming out very very soon on Spotify and iTunes!
Raquelle x
model and photo credits @laurenleduc @raquelle.fringe @namastessyoga @livinglavidayoga @laralumoves @thegreatfull