Well hello 2016! It sounds so futuristic and I still cannot believe how much has changed since 2000.....it really doesn't seem that long ago that I was blasting out Spice Girls and Samantha Mumba, dreaming of finishing school and becoming a pop star. But here we we are, 16 years on from the Millennium and although it's not the route I expected to take, I would not change a thing about my life. I am truly lucky and very very blessed and grateful. There is still so much to work on and improve within myself though and it is a very different feeling entering the New Year 7 months pregnant as I have normally always had very physical goals for the New Year. They are usually based on healthy eating, my physical yoga practice, not drinking so much wine etc etc. Being unable to give myself unrealistic goals to achieve in this year like scorpion or handstand, I have had to think a little deeper and really get down to the nitty gritty, how to improve myself as a person! Yikes....deep stuff. So I wrote some questions down that I used as my base and from them I wrote my goals for 2016.
- How do I love myself more?
- How can I improve the lives of those around me?
- What do I do to make things easier?
- How do I help more people?
2016 GOALS
- Organisation - I will endeavour to write down everything I agree to and every plan/date I make!
- Appreciate - every moment of happiness and find happiness in as many moments as possible
- Patience - not to panic or overly stress about anything but to manage situations calmly and efficiently
- MEDITATION - every single day without fail, no excuses!!
- Kindness - be there for people, friends, family, strangers
- Me time - not feeling guilty for having a lie down on the couch, an indulgent soak in the bath or just taking time to rest
- Give - more love and positive energy, especially to those whom I find challenging and more time for people who need it
I love a fresh start and the new year really is the ultimate way to wipe the slate clean and shake off whatever negativity has been lingering around.
This year is so exciting for Jodie and I as fringe.yoga is hosting our very own teacher training in May. We only have 3 places left and we are thrilled by the response we have had. We cannot wait for this incredible opportunity to share our vision with future yoga teachers and of course continue our journeys with all of our fringe.yogis!
Namaste yogis, here's to a happy, healthy and inspiring year ahead!
Raquelle :)