What Makes A Real Yogi!!! And Learning To Rise Above Other People's Bullsh*t !

What is a yogi? There are so many preconceptions of what a "yogi" is. When you think of a yoga teacher you probably think of a perfectly toned body, softly spoken and fully kitted out with the latest yoga gear. We inevitably think of someone who emanates zen, has love seeping out of their pores and is totally calm at all times. I hate to burst the bubble but we are not like this all the time. It's not humanly possible to be completely zen 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Just like teachers at school are real people, so are yogis! What makes a true yogi is simply being able to live in the present, being aware of others and trying to be the kindest person you can be without judgment. We don't know what other people are going through, we don't know how other people are feeling so compassion really is the only way. In the words of our fringe yoga teacher Hannah, to live harmoniously you need to let go of the silly things people may say to make themselves feel better. It's all too easy to rise to the bait but next time you want to react, try reacting differently. Let them waste their energy and you stay filled with love. Who then will lead the happier life? 

I often talk in my classes about ways to improve life and wellbeing, everything I share I am also working on myself. Every pearl of wisdom is something that I believe in and am trying to achieve in my life as well. Every quote that I read inspires me to enjoy every moment of this precious life and to make myself and the people I share it with happy and I can only hope it does the same for those students in class and for those who ready my blog. However, there are inevitably days when I have zero patience. Like today, after a truly amazing wedding last night that was so much fun! There was unlimited drink and crazy dancing but now I feel completely hungover and knackered and Gracie is driving me potty. It's like they just know when you are feeling rubbish! There are days when I don't do my own yoga practice and there are days when I eat complete crap. But I believe that half the battle is awareness. I know that after this month of weddings and parties, my body needs some love, yoga and a good week of healthy eating and no alcohol. My point is, I am far form perfect but I am on my journey and I am learning every day. 

In class this week we will be going through our vinyasa with patience and calm, finding a rhythm and dance like flow whilst perfecting the body's placement. Finding variations and moving into more challenging poses, we will continue to flow through the vinyasa, strengthening arms, core and discipline. Get ready for a sweaty, back to basics yet challenging week of yoga!!!

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Namaste yogis

Raquelle :)

and remember;

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BIG SHOUTOUT to Hannah Geller of fringe.yoga ! She is a wonderful teacher who is patient, calm and honest. She is true to herself but is the first to say it has been a work in progress for her. I find her incredibly inspiring and full of wonderful advice. She takes our Thursday evening beginners class at fringe.yoga and always makes her students feel fabulous and comfortable every step of the way.

And big shout out to my amazing brothers, sister and mum who looked after Gracie and Kizzi the doggie when we went to our dear friends, Ben and Henrietta's wedding last night! Gracie had the best time with them all and I love how happy she is there. I feel so blessed to have these incredible people in my life and in Gracie's life.IMG_0114IMG_0124