Raquelle Gracie

Spring - A New Start, A Happy Spine and Eternal Love

Happy spring yogis! It’s official, the daffodils are blooming beautifully and the weather is “slightly” warming up. Well, kind of!


the beautiful daffodils blooming in our garden

This week was such a positive one for me. A lot of good things occurred personally and professionally and even my little monkey was on good form! I think I have been so inspired by all my gorgeous students practicing the opening heart sequence, listening to their breath, turning their focus inwards and picking up on that energy in the classes! It was wonderful to feel and to be a part of. Acknowledging that tendency within me to be slightly chaotic, I really tackled it this week by getting back into my meditation. Just 5 or 10 minutes each night has cleared out my mind significantly. I’m feeling so much more peaceful. You know that feeling of relief when your bedroom is tidy after weeks of it being messy, or clearing out that cupboard or wardrobe with all the junk inside that you have been meaning to address for yonks, well my mind just got that very necessary and apt for this time of year, “spring clean” and I can’t recommend a little bit of that magic meditation more!

I saw this video which I posted earlier in the week about the benefits of meditation laid out nice and clearly for you to see. The evidence is there guys! Try it and watch those stars align for you, it’s worth a shot right?!!


I also watched this unbelievable movie called “Interstellar” with the hubby and wow did it make me cry. I felt so touched by the sentiment and the theme of love that was greatly integrated into the storyline. The quote that really got me thinking was, “Love is the one thing we’re capable of perceiving that transcends time and space….maybe we should trust that, even if we can’t yet understand it.” It is so undeniably true. So honest. Love is the only thing that exists even when the person is no longer here. Of course, that got me thinking about dad and that connection I still have with him forever and always, that unconditional love that will be forever in my heart. Dimensions, time and even death is irrelevant, my love is eternal. Definitely worth watching, don’t be put off by the length and have a box of tissues ready!

Interstellar – a MUST SEE


love is forever (also the title of my favourite song that dad ever wrote)

Recently, I have had a few of my new students tell me that they were coming to class because they have back pain and other methods of treatment haven’t yet worked. It’s mainly lower back pain I have noticed, or for a lot of males tightness in the cervical spine (upper spine). I cannot reiterate enough how incredible yoga is for the back and spine. If you have pain in the back, try try try to get to yoga class. Obviously let the teacher know prior to practicing, but it really is such a common ailment that this week I have decided to focus on spine strengthening.

In modern day society we spend so much time hunched over a computer or carrying our children on our hips that its all too easy to do damage to the lower back. Stress and tension also adds to back pain and tightness in the shoulders which can lead to a massive load of pain, irritability and inhibited movement. YOGA YOGA YOGA can help you!


is this you? (the second pic is definitely me)

The first step is core work. Strengthening the abdominals muscles mean that you can protect your back by improving your posture and alignment. Say hello to some of my favourite core poses; supine handstand and crow, dolphin plank and revolved triangle pose (parivrtta trikonasana) oh and of course, pulses and sit ups!

FullSizeRenderdolphin pose

FullSizeRenderparivrtta trikonasana

We will be doing a stacking sequence with the poses so repeating them within a flowing sequence and building on it as we move through. Almost like a dance routine led by the breath and the core.

To bring awareness to the back muscles, a gentle locust pose and variations (salabhasana) will feature in the warm up. And when the back is warm after the stacking sequence, we will move into various twists. A lovely half lotus twist (padmasana) and reaching round to catch the toes, is one of my faves followed the calming and heart opening, gentle back bend of hero’s pose (virasana), also a great pose for knee issues and a fantastic thigh stretch.

FullSizeRenderhalf lotus twist


As BKS Iyengar said; “you are only as young as your spine is flexible” so don’t hesitate, knock the years off and gain optimum health by practicing yoga.

As we have a theme of strength and love, I would like to mention a few people who have touched me in this way;

@djginaturner my fellow yogini who I trained with in Spain many moons ago is not only an amazing yogi but also a wonderful, hardworking mother, wife and DJ. She is doing so much for SIDS charity by hosting yoga classes and donating all proceeds to the charity. She is one to watch on the DJ-ing scene and in wellness. Her hubby is also an awesome producer/writer/DJ…Laidback Luke! imagine the genes of little Evalina (who is already a baby model extraordinaire).

the sexy DJ/yogi GIna Turner


@alitamposi Ali Tamposi singer/artist and songwriter of a great many songs you probably know every word to, for example “What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger” by someone called Kelly Clarkson,haha! NO but seriously she was my wifey in LA and we got each other through the tough and lonely times that we endured living away from our families in the great city of angels. We also have a hell of a lot of great tunes we wrote together! She is a strong, sassy woman with ambition, drive and she will most definitely be a household name one of these days!


Stunning and talented...Ali Tamposi

The Ben Cox Band, the first band that I have shouted out…..made up of 4 incredibly talented guys, Jamie, Ben, Will and Adam and kick ass bass playing chick Flo, these guys are amazing. A more specialised type of market, they veer towards the jazz and folk side of music but definitely a band on the verge of major success! Jamie Cullum is a big fan and is always playing their records on his show on Radio 2!

