Day 16 - Navals and Nipples

First things first, we've all been teaching these intense classes under the immense stress of our teachers' watchful eyes. Its inevitable that we all get a bit nervous here and there. Even for those of us who have English as our first language, we are constantly mixing up our hands with our feet, for example "step your hand between your feet" or "place your hips on your hands". But for those who don't have English as a first language, its even harder and must be double the pressure. My dormie Christina is such a cute Spanish girl and when she was teaching she said some awesome lines!!! She had heard Vidya say "look towards your naval" and thought the naval was the mat, after asking someone she realised the naval was actually the belly button and was very pleased to extend her vocabulary. However, when it came to teaching class she wanted to say this line and was racking her brain to think of the word, when she remembered she said " now, look towards your NIPPLE" followed swiftly by "and step your foot between your eyes" !!! It was hilarious, and even more so acting it out later. Im even laughing now just writing about it. Brilliant :)

Here's a pic of me and Christina;


I had my 2nd teaching assessment today as well. All through meditation I was pedantically going through my schedule in my mind. Then so suddenly it was over and 7 am had arrived. I was really lucky with my class again, I got some great people and the energy was good. I felt confident, obviously mucked up my language a few times using "grab" instead of "take hold of" and "push" instead of "press", but on the whole I was happy with how it went. My sequence flowed and I remembered it all which was good. I got good/ok feedback and I'm cool with that. On a great note though, I got 100% on my anatomy test, most definitely a big fat first for me!!!Check it out and my little muscle man too (I based that on Andrew, of course).



I felt energised today, perhaps because my teaching exams were over but I felt more relaxed again in my body. I had those few blue days over the weekend when my body was physically exhausted but I feel like I'm getting used to this now. Even getting up that early isn't so bad. I really am fantasising about a glass of wine though. I just can't believe there are only 4 days left. Its so crazy.

We also went through assists this afternoon as many of us are getting super confused. U can see below this is me in camel being assisted by Paula!!


Namaste for now xxxxx