Raquelle Gracie

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We Did It - Fringe.Yoga's First Week and LAUNCH PARTY! And Top Tips for Dealing With Stress!

I cannot believe it!!! Fringe.Yoga is officially open and running!! We had the launch party on Saturday and were absolutely blown away by the support and help that our friends, family, students and fellow yogis gave us. IMG_3975IMG_3897 We are feeling very blessed and lucky to have such wonderful people in our life. There is definitely a strange nostalgic feeling about the launch party being over, as we have been looking forward to it for so long but we were also nervous of how it was going to go and even if anyone would actually come. I am very glad to say we had a full house for both classes, the Vinyassa Flow class and the Yoga Bugs class, Jodie and I took one class each. It was also amazing to be able to cater for both the adults and the children. IMG_3925 IMG_3936 Our fringe yogi Hannah did the most incredible job on the bunting, decor and face painting of the younger children (and some of us adults haha) the fringe yoga team really is pretty awesome. The food from Redricks Cafe was delicious and the live music from Tchengiz was awesome! IMG_3916 Not to mention all the lovely ladies, Jenna, Tijan and Auntie Lucy who were sticking fringe yoga stickers onto all of our goodie bags and candles and Fran and Emilie who were going around with clipboards so people could subscribe to fringe.yoga. Most importantly we made £150 for Grove Cottage Mencap through our charity raffle and it seemed like everyone who came had fun and that is what really mattered to us! IMG_3969 It has certainly been a full on week, dealing with the preparation for the party and of course running classes at our lovely new studio. It has been amazing, exciting and stressful all at the same time. I think it's so important to know exactly how to deal with stressful situations and how to let the anxiety and worry go, to make way for positivity and calm in the body and mind. I would love to be able to not get stressed or worried, all to often I do let it catch up with me. To combat any anxiety I have been doing at least 10 mins of mediation every night this week, which I always endeavour to maintain, to keep me as grounded and calm as possible. Even when busy, finding time to do my own practice is essential to keep my stress levels down. I managed to get in to Jodie's class on Tuesday and do a Dice Lida Klein class on Yoga Glo. However, I still lost my voice! I have always shown my stress physically and it seems my throat chakra is the place where stress appears. When I was pregnant with Gracie I got eczema all over my neck and this time I completely lost my voice. I was so worried it wouldn't be back in time for the launch but a day of vocal rest on friday and a prosecco/green juice tasting session with Jodie helped it to return. c1de2091a310983dbde7f7561e2ecdfc This week in my classes I am going to be focussing on seeing the world from a new perspective and being able to find the positives in stressful or trying situations. In order to be fully prepared for every event or meeting you need to have a clear, calm mind. I have found that yoga is the only way to stay sane and cool in the face of stress. I cannot imagine the horrors that would unveil if I didn't have yoga!!! hahaha!!tumblr_mlxwexjzJs1qk7emao1_500 Beginning with a gentle warm up flow in cat cow and crescent moon lunge variations we will concentrate on marrying that consistent, strong breath with the movement of the body. IMG_3757 Once that objective is achieved in the gentle flow, we will move on to Surya Namaskar A and start to introduce more challenging poses one by one. IMG_3716 Finding a dance like flow into the asanas and using Vinyassas to connect each section we will work on keeping focus on the combination of breath and movement. IMG_3717 Building up to more challenging asanas we will start to hold them for longer engaging that elongated, smooth breath through postures such as Warrior 3, dolphin and side plank. IMG_3747 And once the arms are energised really finding that change in perspective we will move into headstand prep and then inversions (against the wall if needed). It is so fantastic that we have so much wall space in the fringe studio :) !! IMG_3774 To warm down childs pose with arm variation followed by a gentle bridge pose and supine twists. IMG_3758 Then of course it is Savasana and relaxation time! What a week........breathe, believe, let it go! Namaste Raquelle BIG SHOUT OUT TO; REDRICKS LAKES CAFE - Pete and Billy, wow did they do a beautiful job with the food. Delicious and healthy,  I cannot believe we are lucky enough to be next door to such a yummy restaurant! IMG_3906 IMG_9494

Family, friends, yogis thank you, we love you!!!!!