My theme this week is SURRENDER YOUR BURDENS, FIND YOUR LIGHT. I feel so strongly about always being truthful and I don't see the point of writing this blog if I am not honest with my readers. The truth is no-one is perfect, especially not me. You can try to remain positive but sometimes events in life can get you down. This past week has been exeptionally tough for me. Lots of emotions have been arising regarding my looming birthday on the 11th Feb, which I have shared with my daddy, who is no longer here, for the past 27 years. It was also the 4th anniversary of my lovely stepfather's death on the 7th Feb. Lots of sadness surrounds me this week. I have been dreading having to celebrate a birthday without my dad and although I know he would never want me to be sad, I'm concerned it is inevitable. I am blessed that I have such a strong loving family on both my mum's and my dad's sides, who I know will be there for me.
So, in order to counter balance my feelings of pain and heavyheartedness I am focussing this week on surrendering the hurt to bring back the light. Sometimes you just need to put down the burdens and relieve any tension, freeing emotion and crushing negativity. Lots of hip openers and shoulder openers are in my sequences this week, teamed with core and warriors to build that fire and then a long deep savasana to let it all go.
Pigeon pose will feature heavily in my warm down to really set free any pent up emotion in the hips. This can bring tears to your eyes from the emotion it brings out, or even frustration but if you can breathe through it and engage that long smooth, Ujjayi inhalation and exhalation then you will be doing yourself a world of good. I always say pigeon is like marmite, you either love it or hate it. I am definitely one of those people who hated (note past tense) but after great perseverance and lots of pigeon in front of the tv instead of sprawling out on the couch, my hips have opened considerably and I have somehow learned to love it!! To release tension in the shoulders, warrior with opening arm variations will greatly de-stress and relieve the body. Finally, one of my favourite core poses, supine eagle with the legs and arms and bringing the elbows to touch the knees for a core work out.
A slow, deep and honest practice is what I will be aiming for in my classes this week, focussing on being honest and true to yourself. There is no point hiding it all away as it will just build up around you. In the words of inspiring yogini "Jodie Merrick" (to follow - @yoga_vibe ) "in life your heart may break, but light will shine through the cracks and let in more and more love". Be open and be true, and that is all I am trying to do.
Namaste guys xx