FRINGE YOGA OPENS TOMORROW! Breathe, Believe And Anything Is Possible!
This is a BIG week for me and my partner Jodie. Fringe Yoga is opening on Monday evening and I am so excited to begin to teach there. The studio is coming together so nicely. It really has come such a long way from being a junk filled room to a beautiful, calm and relaxing space. I have definitely been in panic mode this week, the skirting has only just gone in and the outside isn't quite done yet but the lovely Anthony reassured us that all of this will be sorted by the launch party, at the latest. Watching the room turn into our serene yoga studio has sparked a lot of emotion inside of me. I feel overwhelmed with gratitude that this is happening. I am also so shocked at how different my life is to what it was this time last year. I am actually starting a yoga studio with the most amazing partner and we have this lovely little spot at Redricks Lakes to begin our journey at. When I think back to last year, my confidence was far too low to ever think I could do this. I didn't believe in myself or my ability to start up something from scratch. I was lost in the mundane routine of changing nappies and broken sleep patterns, confused because although I was so happy and grateful for my beautiful daughter and lovely husband, I still felt I needed something else to stimulate my mind. I wanted to have something I loved that was independent of being a mother and wife. When we moved from London in July to the rural countryside I was so unsure of what to expect. I wasn't so keen on the idea of moving and saying goodbye to my music career writing songs as I had invested so much time into it. However, we went ahead and I have to say thank you Andrew for believing in my ability to make a wonderful life somewhere new. Then the horrendous news of dad's death stabbed me like a knife in my heart and everything turned upside down. I realised I had nothing to distract me from the pain. I was devastated and felt utterly destroyed. I needed something to get me out of the dark hole I had fallen into.
I had never stopped my own personal practice of yoga and I had continued to teach a few classes a week as well as writing music but here at this point in my life I realised I wanted to teach full time. I had to spread the wonder of yoga, the importance of breath and its amazing benefits. Now here we are, nearly a year later about to open our studio and I would like to think that daddy would be proud. Taking that leap of faith and believing in myself has allowed me to be somewhere I didn't think I could reach. Although I hope and pray that Fringe Yoga will be a busy and happy place, what really matters is that we got here. We reached this moment and now I know that you can do anything if you believe in yourself and take every opportunity. Being at the lowest point in my life gave me perspective and galvanised me to take a chance. It is also the most wonderful feeling to have a husband who believes in you and has full on faith in your ability, even when I questioned it. Even though I know a lot of hard work and unwavering dedication lies ahead of us, it is an opportunity that I am beyond excited and ready for.
In my classes this week I will hopefully be meeting lots of new students of yoga and also seeing some familiar faces! As this a new yogic endeavour in a new space for all of us, I would like to start off our journey together with a strong foundation, breath! I will be talking though the movement of pranayama (energy) through the body and introducing Ujjayi breath. The most important thing is to remember that your breath is everything, nothing should compromise that smooth, consistent flow of the inhalation and exhalation.
Breathe and Believe
Moving into the key postures and spending five breaths minimum in each one we will deepen, stretch, tone and hone each and every muscle in the body but still going at a pace that suits every person in class. Sometimes slowing down your practice can help you become aware of any little mistakes you are making and of course is ideal for core strengthening and maintaining that cool, calm breath!
Warrior 2 (Virabhadrasana II)
Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
I cannot wait to teach at Fringe.Yoga and share my love of yoga and its wonderful benefits with my students. Thank you to all the people who have already been liking our facebook, instagram, subscribing and promoting We are so grateful for your support after all, none of this would be possible without you, our wonderful yogis.
Shout outs this week go to;
My gorgeous partner Jodie Merrick, co-founder of fringe and an incredibly smart and inspiring yogini.I feel very lucky to have met Jodie and to be embarking on this exciting journey together. Follow her on instagram @yoga_vibe
My gorgeous cousin Tchenny who will be performing at our launch party on Saturday 6th June. He is super talented, very handsome and a great songwriter as well! I cannot WAIT to hear his set :) follow him on instagram @tchenny
This incredible man, Arthur who also inspired my "breathe and believe" theme for this week deserves a big shout out for his transformation, thank you Henry Lukas for sharing this with me;