Day 6 - The Singing Yogi
Ok, so despite my philosophical rant yesterday today I am feeling mucccchhhhh better…..mentally!!! Physically, I woke up extremely tired this morning and super stiff in my lower back from all the bending we did yesterday but I am already feeling much stronger.
Meditation is getting easier, people are also moving around and fidgeting less which makes it easier to concentrate on my stillness. I really am starting to get in the swing of things I think, and i like the meditation in the morning. I feel more awake and purposeful in the following class as well!
We concentrated on detoxifying the body in this morning's class. We focus on a different area of the body every morning. I can't wait to teach this in my future classes, there are tons of twists and balances that are really fun and challenging, and I've been feeling clear headed and more positive all day. Plus a lovely skype conversation with my man was the juicy cherry on top. The girls and I had a long discussion over breakfast about our opinions of the Yogis I discussed on here yesterday, and just how far should we practice the yogic values? We have come to the conclusion that there is no right answer. We are all searching for the same thing. At the end of the day, we just have to practice what we believe in and making the world a better place by spreading integrity and kindness, as cheesy as that sounds. If that helps provide a better place for our children and our children's children, then we should do whatever we can, whilst still maintaining the good things about who we are.
We also started anatomy so we have been reading up on that today and learning all the bones and muscles in the body. Its very important to know this information as a yoga teacher. How to assist someone in the pose without injuring them and also to know why the poses help with health and well-being, what we are stretching and how to maintain a healthy, strong body. I always loved biology at school, so for me I feel like a sponge, soaking up the knowledge as best I can and now its my brain's turn to be challenged and remember all the Latin names, on top of the Sanscrit names for all the poses. i.e. downward dog is "adho mukha svanasana" and every pose has its own Sanskrit name of which we are supposed to know! I mean I knew this was called an "intensive" course but my goodness its living up to its name!!! Then again I do love a hard core challenge!!!
On a music note…..laaaaaaa….there is another yogi-teacher-to-be here who is also in the music business, as is her fiancé. As we had some spare time this evening, we decided do some writing and see what we come up with. With our different backgrounds, she's a house/tech Dj and producer, and me being more soul/pop/songwriter we were curious to see if we could make any magic happen. I have been struggling a lot recently to find inspiration to write. I've been going through a really blank few months, unable to really write from the heart so I was umming and ahhhing about bringing music into my "zen" when I've been struggling to find the words lately, but thought why not, lets give it a go! We had fun and it all came really easily. The vibe was super cool and I think we did some exciting work. She's really talented and some things do happen for a reason, to meet someone that I have so many mutual connections with here of all places is random to say the least! So we've sent them off to her manager and we'll see if anything happens.
getting better I think. Im definitely feeling so much more powerful in my body, now I've just got to make sure I don't make life harder for myself by eating too much of this delicious food. I really wish they had scales or even a full length mirror, but hey ho there's my "ego" popping up to say hello!! Self-discipline needs to come into play me thinks!!!
Okie dokes, laters for now
Namaste xxx